Advantages of Ethereum 2.0 — What the new ETH raises for cryptocurrency exchange traders?

MathiBharathi Mariselvan
5 min readSep 4, 2020


Ethereum 2.0 is an update to the existing Ethereum network that came up with advanced levels of speed and effectiveness. It has greater adaptability that can improve the performance of the ethereum tokens in terms of exchanges. This introduction of the update will definitely increase the probability of this exchange and eases blockage and moderates on the Ethereum arrangement. With all such redesigning and other external moderations have been made, the Ethereum will land on its Stage 2 level, where it will meet the objectives of turning itself into a decentralized exchange application and a straightforward system for cryptocurrency exchanges and bitcoin trade. This article stalls the guide for this update, including major monetary changes that will accompany the presentation of another ETH 2.0 token.

What’s new?

Ethereum 2.0 will include sharding to definitely build, arrange data transfer capacity and decrease gas costs, making it less expensive to send Ethereum, tokens, and communicate with brilliant agreements. There will be crucial financial changes where Ethereum 2.0 will permit support to marking hubs and acquire Ethereum as easy revenue. From multiple points of view, Ethereum 2.0 is then joined by the exertion of thousands of designers who worked for quite a long time.

The Ethereum 2.0 redesign will be done in 3 unmistakable stages, beginning with Phase 0 (all things considered, designers tally from 0 rather than 1). In the course of recent years, adversaries of Ethereum have regularly censured the system’s high exchange expenses and delicacy during top use. There is always a question of whether Ethereum 2.0 has the option and capability to fix this issue?

If that is the case, then another question arises -Will the task scale to help the tremendous number of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Blockchain games being fabricated?

This blog will cover the timetable for the move up to ETH2.0 and the arrangements proposed.


Testing for Ethereum 2.0’s sending is in progress a multi-customer test that includes the support of 20,000+ validators around the world. This will be the last official open test before Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 is conveyed. The testing is run with Medalla TestNet which is one of the priority technologies run for Ethereum 2.0.

Salient features of Ethereum 2.0:

Sharding — Ethereum will be broken into 18 “Shards” that work simultaneously. This will definitely improve productivity.

Marking — Ethereum will move to Proof-of-Stake Consensus, a substantially more vitality productive strategy for keeping up the system.

Transformation in the Financial aspects:

ETH2.0 will essentially change the current financial aspects. Actually, the Ethereum update will totally eradicate the idea of mining. So those who have Ethereum diggers will have to redesign once the Ethereum 2.0 update is completely finished.

So dependent on the above Ethereum 2.0 Roadmap graph, The update of Ethereum is going through Serenity Phase 0. Gathering to the testnet has been overpowering, with more than 20,000 validators joining and committing their assets to help with the Beacon Chain Testnet. According to the opinion of Vitalik Buterin, the Founder of Ethereum has expressed that this won’t be the “Last” trial of the Beacon Chain. So we can expect considerably greater network support in the months to come.

So as should be obvious in the beneath outline, the Ethereum update has initiated testing the principal “layer” of the Ethereum 2.0 design, for example, Guide Chain. In future months, the current Phase 0-Beacon Chain would be finished, and advancement would move onto building Phase 1-Shard Chain lastly Phase 2-Execution Engine, as will be itemized beneath.

Chronology of the Ethereum 2.0:

Stage 0 — Beacon Chain:

Firstly it starts with Stage 0. Stage 0 will begin with the official dispatch of Beacon Chain. Presently this is planned for the second quarter of 2020. The target of Phase 0 is to give validations and haphazardness to a shard square. With the dispatch of Phase 0, comes another token, ETH2. Clients of Ethereum will have the option to change over to ETH2 (at a 1:1 proportion) through an enlistment contract. This can viably consume the ETH that you used to hold. The people group will have the choice to stake 32 ETH2 on their validator hub points.

Stage 1-Shard Chain

Stage 1 would permit Ethereum to scale colossally through “shards”. The system will be part of 64 shards that work simultaneously, which means they will all cycle exchanges and calculations. Stage 1 will likewise permit the shards to speak with one another by means of crosslinking.

Stage 2 — Execution engine network:

After the creation of phase 0 and phase 1, the execution phase begins. With an exuberant experience of legacy networks, the newer method of the network comes into the way that boosts up the performance of ETH2. So, there is a merger of existing ETH with the emerging ETH2 to boost the entire performance of the ETH token.

Emergence of Multi-client Network Testnet:

Ethereum 2.0 too kits out to promote decentralization. It’s assistance to the newly emerging idea of DeFi is one such marvel. So, the update is focussing on providing a Multi-Client Network Testnet. So, there is a possibility that the Ethereum diggers and different labs and companies can have their own base of clients from different perspectives providing a common base for the Ethereum network.

Advantages of Ethereum 2.0:

The first thing is that the upgrade has initialized the network for decentralization. With all tokens which are centralized through exchange networks, the ethereum 2.0 has introduced the decentralization process which will boost visibility in the cryptocurrency network.

It comes with additional security features. As Decentralisation on the cards, there is always a question on the security features. So, the ethereum network 2.0 has introduced some stunning security options where the transactions will be conducted with the utmost speed and security. With the introduction of the Testnet technology, the Ethereum update will outperform any kind of security breach and provide protection to the transactions.

Another greatest compliment of the Ethereum update is the “Proof of stake” mechanism. Proof of stake is the system that promotes the energy consumption to a commitment in a financial stake.

Addition of chain networks — Shard chain and Beacon chains similar to the blockchain network. Technically speaking. The chains are parallel to the blockchain networks. This is a complementary security and management framework created by the Ethereum team to provide an effective decentralization mechanism to its customers.

Coordination — Even Though the 2.0 version focuses on decentralization, it also focuses on the coordination efforts to promote the network to a larger phase. Ethereum, despite the largest known token since 2010, has gained more traction since the emergence of ethereum 2.0.

Final thoughts:

Ethereum is one of the well-known cryptocurrencies in the digital arena. With the cryptocurrency exchanges getting traction, ‘ethereum will get an undeniable place in the cryptocurrency trading area. The update of Ethereum over the DeFi technology will surely boost the value of the coin in the upcoming years.



MathiBharathi Mariselvan

Blockchain Entrepreneur and investor. Guiding blockchain startups bring ideas to life. You know what, Blockchain is a revolution.